Entering A Bid

Placing a bid on an item you are interested in couldn't be easier.

Just register as a user of our site and you are ready to bid on items no matter what the type of auction.

FYI: When placing a Bid on an auction where the lots are marked INTERNET ABSENTEE BIDDING be aware that you are not necessarily the winner of the item until your bid is executed at the LIVE auction event against the physical attendees. Each auctioneer will execute the Absentee Bids in accordance with their policies. You are the winner in auctions NOT marked Internet Absentee Bidding UNLESS the Auctioneer has specified that sale is subject to seller approval. 

Click on the item you wish to bid on and enter a dollar amount. Then confirm your bid on the next screen by clicking on Proceed.

The site uses a "proxy" bidding logic. For example: If an item you wish to bid upon currently has a bid at $1.00 but you are a busy person and am not sure you will be able to catch the item near the end of the auction. Let the software do it for you. 

Just enter the maximum you wish to spend on the item, let's say $20.00. Your bid is now the high bid PLUS it has a time stamp as being the first $20.00 bid put on the item. As others place bids the software will bid for you until you are outbid. 

BUT wait, the other advantage of that is if someone else matches the $20.00 bid and no one puts in a bid higher than that, you will win because of the time stamp.

You will receive emails/texts(if signed up for texts) if you are outbid.